Phone: 518-222-5593 • Whitehall, NY 12887
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Places to Eat
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Places to Eat in Whitehall, NY


Broadway Market
Neil Patel
155 Broadway
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-1406
Busty's Brew and BBQ/ temp under construction
Joe Kelley
49 Poultney Street
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-5044
Champs Corner Pub and Grill
Liz LaPoint Sal Panetta
1 Main St.
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-5172
China Wok
Chu Zhou Zheng /Becky Weng
164 Broadway
Whitehall, NY 12887
(518) 499-0004
Dunkin Donuts
Nancy Parker
69 Catherine Street
Fort Ann, NY 12827
518 639-1024
Joes Pizza and more
Joe Kelley
132 Broadway/ closed for renovation
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-0603
Joe's Pizza/closed for renovation
Joe Kelley
132 Broadway
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-0603
Rathbun's Maple Sugar House
181 Hatch Hill Road
Granville, NY 12832
(518) 642-1799
Skene Manor
8 Potter's Terrace
Open Fri., Sat. and Sun. 12-4 till mid Dec.
Whitehall, NY 12887
Sweet Genevieve's Premium Ice Cream Shoppe
Joe Kelley
closed for renovation
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-0603
The New Tavern at Lock 12
Lynn Wagemann
7 Main Street
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-9700
The Railyard Taproom and Restaurant
Mike Putorti
209 Broadway
Whitehall, NY 12887
518 499-0411